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Evan White PR

Name of organization

Evan White PR

Product purchased for

5" fantasy figurine



Date of order

November 2021

Intent of purchase

Company Mascot + Employee Recognition

The most common way of appreciating employees for their dedication and achievements is to hand them a standard trophy that was factory made and can be found in multiple gift outlets. This detaches any emotion trying to be conveyed and brings in standardization. Employees are usually not too excited about these types of awards and either keep them on shelves to gather dust or throw them out a few months later. The elements of uniqueness and personalization is what is required to actually convey the appreciation a business has for its employees. This will also ensure that the recipient of the award keeps it on display as a reminder of what it means to them and of how thoughtful the company was to invest in an award of actual significance. It will also spread positive ripples of the company’s brand and culture when other people see it.  

As a double whammy, Evan White, the president of Evan White PR, wanted to recognize an employee by handing out a replica of the company mascot as an award.  

Evan White PR is a marketing and PR agency based out of Venice, California. It was founded by Evan White in 2006. The agency specializes in assisting celebrities, entrepreneurs, brands and businesses establish themselves online by adopting the latest digital technology and through content that is shared to the media. They have worked with companies like aloft Hotels, Aperture, Property Coin and LiveDigital. The agency has also helped several clients get articles published on major websites like Forbes, NBC, CV and TechCrunch.

Evan contacted us to place an order for a 5 inch fantasy figurine that would be crafted based on the company mascot. The figurine was then presented to the top performer that won the majority of activities held at an intra-office event. The event was hosted as a morale boosting event for employees to have fun and let loose after a quite strenuous term of work. The figurine was also a marketing strategy. The mascot of the company was awarded to the top performer to echo the values and sentiment that it symbolizes. It encompasses the company’s personality and brand image as well. This figurine was a great replacement to a mundane and generic award as the company was able to recognize an employee in a unique way as well as create brand awareness and market its ideals through its mascot.