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Think Traffic

Name of organization

Think Traffic

Product purchased for

5" custom group figurine



Date of order

March 2019

Intent of purchase

Employee Recognition

Employee recognition is finally gaining the traction it deserves as companies are now understanding the significance and positive effects on both, the business as well as its employees. Recognition is an enormous intangible asset that companies are leveraging as a strategic benefit. All businesses, large or small, are starting to implement different methods to support and encourage their employees. Most companies ensure to build a routine that makes them recognize their employees with a tiny gesture, at least once a week. They also set aside days to celebrate the effort and dedication of their employees such as birthdays, years of service achievements and festivals. Some companies even offer extended breaks and support their employees who are on sabbatical as an addition to their employee recognition program.

The benefits of employee recognition tremendously outway the minimal effort that it needs. Employees are far more satisfied, happier and content with their work and the environment they engage with. If that isn’t enough, recognition also boosts morale, improves retention rates and provides employees with a sense of purpose.

One of the easy, yet effective ways to recognize employees is by handing out awards, trophies or gifts. This is a practice that shows employees that their company is happy to invest in them and are truly appreciative of their efforts. Companies are also bringing in the culture of peer-to-peer recognition and are encouraging employees to give their fellow colleagues gifts or awards that reflect how appreciative they are of them.

Think Traffic’s partner and director of finance & operations, Gina LoPresti, contacted us as she thought our unique 3D printed statues were the best fit for the company’s employee recognition program.

Think Traffic is an Ad Agency founded in 2015 and based in Philadelphia. They have offices in Los Angeles as well and primarily focus on bringing value to their clients’ businesses through various methods that help in building a remarkable brand experience that drives results. They are actively involved with local brands and businesses but also have profitable partnerships with some of the most renowned and distinguished companies like CocoCola, Bayer, Nestle, Belvedere and many more.

The company regularly hosts employee validation programs and hosted one as usual in March of 2019. This time however, the company wanted to do something different. To recognize their best performing team of the year, the company wanted to invest in something more unique and special as opposed to a regular award. They wanted to personalize the award to really show how valuable the team’s contribution was to the company. So, Gina contacted us to order a 5 inch custom figurine. The figurine consisted of all the members of the team as a group model and the team was felicitated with the figurined during the validation program.